Hang it Up

Is the problem really that she calls too often, or more that she wants to be your friend, and you'd like to draw the line at just business talk? Don't expect her to understand this if you continue to engage in personal conversations with her. Wean her slowly, and if you need to spell it out, be honest with her and say that you prefer to not get too personally involved in your clients' lives.

Be consistent. If you chat one day for an hour with her, and then the next time she calls you are annoyed when she wants ten minutes of your time, you're expecting her to adjust to your mood. If you're going to do it that way, then be sure to explain to her: "Sometimes, given my work schedule, I can spare the time, and sometimes I can't. Please don't be offended when I can't."

If you like this woman, and could be interested in a friendly relationship with her, suggest that you meet after working hours to discuss personal business. She might stop calling you so much during the workday if she knows she'll be catching up with you within a week or two.