Junkyard Creativity

San's column Junkyard Creativity is great; I love his use of stream of consciousness. I'd like to know what he thinks of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). It seems to have all or more of the connotations and bad mojo that being an IP does. I just figured out I'm the poster child (a middle-aged one) for ADD. I used to think it was something People Magazine made up or 20/20 dealt with on a slow week -- a trendy consumer fear for the '90s, brought to you by Pfizer.

I think people with ADD don't fit into normal work cultures, and I think we're the most interesting people. A typical person plugs into the regular work force and rides the successful commercial tide that is the American economy, never wondering for a second if being a middle manager is a worthwhile way to spend his life. It's worth it as long as he's driving a Ford Excursion, his second wife has a full bottle of valium, and they've got a home in the 'burbs. I wish I were jealous of these people -- but then I'd have to be one of them, so I know I'm not.

I'm an ADD IP and proud of it.


I loved the inSANity column where San mused about his father and the junkyard... it took me out of the 'this is work' feeling I have when faced with lists, lists, lists, of things to dooooo... and reminded me that I chose this life, and facing Sunday night with all this stuff still to do is fine...

It's good to laugh with you. Thank you,


I enjoyed the inSANity Junkyard column, which was not too meaty, not too spicy, just right! I will reflect on this delightful combination of reminiscence and common sense. It shines a new light on "creativity" as a practical skill, and that's a good thing.

Carol Daniels
<cad@melbpc.org.au> or <Caz_d@hotmail.com>
Freelance writer and editor, specialising in science, computers, computing, technology, business, health, sexuality, food and agriculture.

The "Junkyard Creativity" column by San gave me lots of food for thought -- as if I need any more.

I think creativity relies fairly heavily on the 'accidental' aspect. You can't just sit down and decide 'now I'll be creative'. It seems to me people are most creative when they respond to what life throws at them rather than when everything goes according to plan -- that is, when they are 'open' to new solutions. A 'letting go' of some kind is involved.

And creativity can 'hit' you when you least expect it. Recently, I deliberately took a solo day-trip to a small town which I have always regarded as deadly boring. My intent was to see if I could find anything interesting there. I carried a digital camera and a notepad. The place was boring but my day wasn't -- and the writing, to my amazement, flowed.

I THINK this is all relevant to San's column... but maybe I'm just rambling.


Carmel Glover